Clear but not entirely transparent. As I breath slowly, my sight goes through everything. When the morning breaks, the settled air awakens extrasensory perception and my body begins to search across the seemingly familiar yet unrecognizable space. Sometimes I seem to have found something, but as I lay my eyes on it, a profound sense of uncertainty immediately arises. Suddenly, the air seems to open my thought. As I close my eyes, lights and shadows, together with all sorts of memories, begin to come to me. I feel a sense of relief like I have never felt before, because I no longer need to search for answers; instead, they all come surrounding me with godlike grace.
As far as I am concerned, painting is a practice of combining colors, lines, shapes, typography and other artistic elements, getting them to come together as one tries to explore visual outcomes while at the same time expressing one's feelings and experience.(Wu Tung Lung)