Using black/white elements and arrangement of leaves and branches, it is my meager attempt to model the macro body of life using the most ordinary things.
The lone bird is carefully positioned in the cold white snow, depicting the silent conversation between the traveler and his journey. The green tender leaves are simply meaningless dots within the universe, and the endless white space is the faraway solitude as reflected by the eyes of the traveler.
Positioning of the green plants and white snow is based on the traditional black/white composition from ancient China. Lighter ink strokes outline the leaves and branches while the leaves themselves are filled with yellow/green/blue. Complementary colors are used to fill in the extra pieces on the canvas as deemed necessary. The color and position of the lone bird then becomes the visual focus; the white snow is caked with white rock powder to demonstrate thickness and volume. Solitude is the key performer with a hint of sentimental atmosphere in the painting. (Jen Ying-ling)