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戴珠髮少女 Girl with Beaded Hair
油畫 Oil Painting
吳炫三 Wu Syuan-san 1942
182.0 x 227.5 cm
Artwork ID 10800006
While A-Sun WU was on his first trip to Africa in 1979, he noticed that Africans’ skins are so dark that they shine under the sun like mirrors. Under the scorching golden sun, African people’s skins reflect their colorful environs - the sky, deserts, swamps, and forests. The artist thus invented a unique concept - “painting scenery on a person’s face,” and gradually came up with the Sunshine Series woven with light, colors, and primal energy. Just like other paintings in the series, which Wu has been working on since the 1980s, Girl with Beaded Hair is characterized by rough brushstrokes and bright colors. The artist did not take a figural approach to portray the girl, but used contrasting, saturating color blocks to suggest her personality. The picture also seems to carry many messages transformed from traces of nature. Wu thinks that African women are beautiful in an understated way. The sentiment they exude from within is unexplainable yet full of vigor. In this picture, the African girl adorns her hair with beautiful beads which not only contain much cultural meaning but also reflect local trends. The bright colors, simple brushstrokes, and daring chromatic blocks render a sense of thriving youth. The artist also set a special surrounding for the protagonist with a choreography of colors and light. The colors seem contrasting and converging with one another at once. The girl’s face reflects romantic green and bright yellow, suggesting that she is not in a dry desert poisoned by the sun, but an oasis with vegetation and mists. The girl, right in the picture’s focal point, fully expresses abundance and life under the warm stroke of the sun.
Artwork Profile
Girl with Beaded Hair
Oil Painting
182.0 x 227.5 cm
Artowrk ID
Year of Archive
Collecting Institution
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
Artist Profile
Wu Syuan-san
2, SEC. 1, WU CHUAN W. RD., TAICHUNG 403 TAIWAN, R.O.C. | +886-4-23723552
Last update at: 2025/3/11 Copyright 2021